Abbreviations, initialisms, and other short-forms can be can confuse those without context. Be explicit to avoid such confusion:

  1. Use the long-form once, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis, then use the short-form.

    Arrakis, also known as (AKA) Dune, …

    Leto Atreides the Second, aka God-Emperor, …

  2. Provide context around the short-form. E.g. a link, footnote, HTML abbr tag (a), etc.

    Arrakis, AKA (a) Dune, is the desert world at the center of the Dune series by Frank Herbert.

  3. Avoid the short-form. Instead, use the long-form exclusively.

    Arrakis, also known as Dune, …

    Leto Atreides the Second, also known as God-Emperor, …
