I write notes using Emacs and export them into Hugo using ox-hugo (How I write notes) and wanted to include an image gallery while retaining the utility of searching images (as org-mode headings) by tag. After everything’s said and done, I want the exported markdown to look like:

{{< gallery >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/..." attr="<attribution>" class="hugo-gallery-image" attrlink="<attribution link>" >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/..." attr="<attribution>" class="hugo-gallery-image" attrlink="<attribution link>" >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/..." attr="<attribution>" class="hugo-gallery-image" attrlink="<attribution link>" >}}

{{< /gallery >}}

While the org-mode would look like:


* [[file:...]] :foo:bar:
* [[file:...]] :bar:
* [[file:...]] :foo:baz:




;; Include (package! org-special-block-extras) in packages file.
(use-package! org-special-block-extras
  :after org
  :hook (org-mode . org-special-block-extras-mode)
   "The places where I keep my '#+documentation'")
  (org-defblock hugogallery
                (editor "Editor HugoGallery") ()
                "Wraps content in Hugo gallery shortcode."
                (if (not (equal backend 'hugo))
                  (format "{{< gallery >}}%s{{< /gallery >}}"
                          ;; Remove duplicate ":class"
                          (replace-regexp-in-string ":class:class"
                                                    ;; Add "hugo-gallery-image" to list of classes
                                                    (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(attr_html: \\(.*:class\\)?\\)"
                                                                              "\\1:class hugo-gallery-image "
(defun cashpw/org-roam--export-gallery (backend)
  "Transform a list of headings into a list of files compatible with {{< gallery >}}.

Only run when BACKEND is `'hugo'."
  (when (and (org-roam-file-p)
             (equal backend 'hugo))
    (let ((gallery-tag "gallery")
          (org-use-tag-inheritance nil))
        (goto-char (point-min))
         (lambda ()
           (let* ((sub-heading-level (1+ (org-outline-level)))
                  (match (s-lex-format "LEVEL=${sub-heading-level}"))
                  ;; Speed up `org-entry-properties' (see `org-map-entries')
                  (org-trust-scanner-tags t)
                  (image-lines '()))
              (lambda ()
                (let* ((file (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
                       (citation-property-name "CITATION")
                       (citation-key (when-let ((citation-property-alist (org-entry-properties nil citation-property-name)))
                                       (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[cite.*:@\\([^;]*\\)\\(;\\)?.*\\]"
                                                                 (cdr (assoc citation-property-name
                       (citar-entry (citar-get-entry citation-key))
                       (attr (cdr (assoc "author" citar-entry)))
                       (attrlink (cdr (assoc "url" citar-entry)))
                       (attr-html (concat
                                   "#+attr_html: "
                                    ((and attr attrlink)
                                     (s-lex-format " :attr ${attr} :attrlink ${attrlink}}"))
                                     (s-lex-format " :attr ${attr}"))
                       (line (s-lex-format "
                  (push line
             (delete-region (point) (point-max))
             (insert "#+begin_hugogallery")
             (insert (s-join "" (nreverse image-lines)))
             (insert "#+end_hugogallery")

(add-hook! 'org-export-before-processing-hook

(defun cashpw/org-hugo--set-gallery-item-citation ()
  "Based on `citar-org-roam-ref-add."
  (let ((citation (with-temp-buffer (org-cite-insert nil)
    (org-set-property "CITATION" citation)))


CSS and JS

Install static files from hugo-easy-gallery (a).


  • figure

    Use this modified version of the figure from hugo-easy-gallery (a) to create thumbnails. You’ll need to change the sizes (e.g. 240x and 240x240 below) to match the size on your site.

    Put this file in /layouts/shortcodes/figure.html
    NB this overrides Hugo's built-in "figure" shortcode but is backwards compatible
    Documentation and licence at https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/
    {{- if not ($.Page.Scratch.Get "figurecount") }}
      {{- partial "load_photoswipe.html" -}}
      <link rel="stylesheet" href={{ "css/hugo-easy-gallery.css" | relURL }} />
    {{ end }}
    {{- $.Page.Scratch.Add "figurecount" 1 -}}
    {{ .Scratch.Set "thumb" (.Get "src" | default (printf "%s." (.Get "thumb") | replace (.Get "link") ".")) }}
    {{- if (in (split (.Get "class") " ") "hugo-gallery-image") -}}
      {{ $original := resources.Get (.Get "src") }}
      {{ if and ($original) (not (eq $original.MediaType.SubType "svg")) }}
        {{ .Scratch.Set "thumb" (($original.Resize "240x").Crop "240x240").RelPermalink }}
      {{ end }}
    {{- end -}}
    {{- $thumb := .Scratch.Get "thumb" -}}
    <div class="box{{ with .Get "caption-position" }} fancy-figure caption-position-{{.}}{{end}}{{ with .Get "caption-effect" }} caption-effect-{{.}}{{end}}" {{ with .Get "width" }}style="max-width:{{.}}"{{end}}>
      <figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{.}}"{{ end }} itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">
        <div class="img"{{ if .Parent }} style="background-image: url('{{ $thumb | relURL }}');"{{ end }}{{ with .Get "size" }} data-size="{{.}}"{{ end }}>
          <img itemprop="thumbnail" src="{{ $thumb | relURL }}" {{ with .Get "alt" | default (.Get "caption") }}alt="{{.}}"{{ end }}/><!-- <img> hidden if in .gallery -->
        {{ with .Get "link" | default (.Get "src") }}<a href="{{ . | relURL }}" itemprop="contentUrl"></a>{{ end }}
        {{- if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}}
            {{- with .Get "title" }}<h4>{{.}}</h4>{{ end }}
            {{- if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr")}}
                {{- .Get "caption" -}}
                {{- if .Get "attrlink" }}
                  <a href="{{ .Get `attrlink` }}">{{ .Get "attr" }}</a>
                {{- else -}}
                  {{ .Get "attr"}}
                {{- end -}}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}


I add the citations by manually running cashpw/org-hugo--set-gallery-item-citation which pulls from my bibliography (generated from Zotero).

Take the following org-mode sample for example.


* Gallery :gallery:
** [[file:2023-12-13_07-21-42_0qr85syd5kab1.jpg.jpeg]] :glaze:mug:
:CITATION: [cite:@gummiibear8260sFlowerPatternProgress2023]
** [[file:2023-12-13_07-21-50_e8gd68ntpcab1.jpg.jpeg]] :glaze:plate:
:CITATION: [cite:@gummiibear8260sFloralinspiredPlatePainted2023]
** [[file:2023-12-13_07-23-29_vblmbsyqklab1.jpg.jpeg]] :glaze:bowl:
:CITATION: [cite:@rutabaga4lifeMyNewestPeacockBowl2023]
** [[file:2023-12-13_08-30-05_rhcv5y37fs7b1.jpg.jpeg]] :glaze:bowl:
:CITATION: [cite:@colopotter35ServingBowl2023]


I export this using org-hugo-export-wim-to-md and the output is:


{{< gallery >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/2023-12-13_07-21-42_0qr85syd5kab1.jpg.jpeg" class="hugo-gallery-image" attr="Gummiibear82" attrlink="www.reddit.com/r/Ceramics/comments/14t9rlz/60s_flower_pattern_in_progress/" >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/2023-12-13_07-21-50_e8gd68ntpcab1.jpg.jpeg" class="hugo-gallery-image" attr="Gummiibear82" attrlink="www.reddit.com/r/Ceramics/comments/14sa6z0/60s_floralinspired_plate_i_painted/" >}}

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/2023-12-13_07-23-29_vblmbsyqklab1.jpg.jpeg" class="hugo-gallery-image" attr="rutabaga4life" attrlink="www.reddit.com/r/Ceramics/comments/14thf4z/my_newest_peacock_bowl/" >}}

{{< /gallery >}}

