The Bellman–Ford algorithm is an algorithm that computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph. It is slower than Dijkstra’s algorithm for the same problem, but more versatile, as it is capable of handling graphs in which some of the edge weights are negative numbers.

(“BellmanFord Algorithm” 2022)


function BellmanFord(list vertices, list edges, vertex source) is

    // This implementation takes in a graph, represented as
    // lists of vertices (represented as integers [0..n-1]) and edges,
    // and fills two arrays (distance and predecessor) holding
    // the shortest path from the source to each vertex

    distance := list of size n
    predecessor := list of size n

    // Step 1: initialize graph
    for each vertex v in vertices do

        distance[v] := inf             // Initialize the distance to all vertices to infinity
        predecessor[v] := null         // And having a null predecessor

    distance[source] := 0              // The distance from the source to itself is, of course, zero

    // Step 2: relax edges repeatedly

    repeat |V|−1 times:
         for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges do
             if distance[u] + w < distance[v] then
                 distance[v] := distance[u] + w
                 predecessor[v] := u

    // Step 3: check for negative-weight cycles
    for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges do
        if distance[u] + w < distance[v] then
            // Step 4: find a negative-weight cycle
            negativeloop := [v, u]
            repeat |V|−1 times:
                u := negativeloop[0]
                for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges do
                    if distance[u] + w < distance[v] then
                        negativeloop := concatenate([v], negativeloop)
            find a cycle in negativeloop, let it be ncycle
            // use any cycle detection algorithm here
            error "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle", ncycle

    return distance, predecessor

Simply put, the algorithm initializes the distance to the source to 0 and all other nodes to infinity. Then for all edges, if the distance to the destination can be shortened by taking the edge, the distance is updated to the new lower value.

The core of the algorithm is a loop that scans across all edges at every loop. For every \(i \leq |V| - 1\), at the end of the \(i\text{-th}\) iteration, from any vertex v, following the predecessor trail recorded in predecessor yields a path that has a total weight that is at most distance[v], and further, distance[v] is a lower bound to the length of any path from source to v that uses at most i edges.

Since the longest possible path without a cycle can be \(|V| - 1\) edges, the edges must be scanned \(|V| - 1\) times to ensure the shortest path has been found for all nodes. A final scan of all the edges is performed and if any distance is updated, then a path of length \(|V|\) edges has been found which can only occur if at least one negative cycle exists in the graph.

(“BellmanFord Algorithm” 2022)

Bellman-Ford implementation in Python
